Weekly Photo Challenge: Arranged

Posted: March 31, 2012 in Weekly Photo Challenge
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it’s time for the weekly photo challenge.  Arranged!  I didn’t know what to do with that one, but Cee went through my photos and found some that would work for that theme.  Thank goodness she has the patience to search around through my stuff and find things either arranged by hand or by Mother Nature .  I like what she found.  I hope you do, too.  Blessings!

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  1. ponky says:

    love the elephants! beautiful photos!

  2. Gilly Gee says:

    Cee chose very well!

  3. jfb57 says:

    No one arranges like Mother Nature!

  4. dogear6 says:

    Cee choose well! How wonderful that she went through your photos to pick these out.


  5. mjspringett says:

    Great arrangements, thanks MJ

  6. Fergiemoto says:

    She selected some great photos to represent the theme!

  7. Misky says:

    Fantastic collection of ‘arranged’ photos.

  8. Margie says:

    You two are so cute together I swear! My fav is the first one in the slideshow and the evergreens!

  9. They’re all great but I just love the elephants. They tickle my fancy. Thanks for showing those!

  10. […] Weekly Photo Challenge: Arranged « Chris Donner, Mystery Writer […]

  11. eof737 says:

    Excellent contributions to the challenge. 😉

  12. Gobetween says:

    Cee has a wonderful eye for interpreting these challenges. My favourites of your selection is the synchronized elephant trunks and the mushrooms.

  13. […] Weekly Photo Challenge: Arranged « Chris Donner, Mystery Writer […]

  14. […] Weekly Photo Challenge: Arranged « Chris Donner, Mystery Writer […]

  15. Kathryn says:

    Fantastic collection for this one. That shot of the red-and-green plantings is a true WOW photo!

  16. […] Weekly Photo Challenge: Arranged « Chris Donner, Mystery Writer […]

  17. Paula says:

    They are all great but it seems that everybody likes elephants best just like me 😀 Great work!

  18. […] Chris Donner, Mystery Writer Share this:PrintEmailMoreDiggLike this:Like30 bloggers like this post. This entry was posted in Art, Culture, Photography and tagged Arranged, Halloween, New York City, Photography, postaday, postaweek, postaweek2012, Street Decorations, Weekly Photo Challenge. Bookmark the permalink. ← Performing for a Cast of Thousands Seals and Swells on Sunday → […]

  19. Hey Chris, enjoyed looking at your photos 🙂 And thanks for stopping by!

  20. Jude says:

    Many thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me a ‘Like’ Chris. Some lovely pics here – I especially like the elephants!

  21. BairbreSine (Barbara Gavin-Lewellyn) says:

    I really like the mushrooms. Nice combination of mother nature’s and human hands doing the arranging!


  22. Wow, they’re all good!

  23. bspokeon says:

    Hey, thanks for dropping by my blog and appreciate you liking my ‘arranged’ snap. I must say, there’s something about that tool shed photo that really connects with me… takes me back to boarding school and wood-work classes, which I actually miss now – I guess that’s growing up!

  24. stunning pictures for this week challenge…thanks for sharing

  25. […] Weekly Photo Challenge: Arranged « Chris Donner, Mystery Writer […]

  26. Love the elephants! Thanks for stopping by.


  27. Love it all, the trees, the tools and the mushrooms especially. Very nice!

  28. Where do you find these wonderful photos?

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